What we do with blockchain/DLT

Trade Finance

We offer green financing to help sellers, buyers, and financial institutions facilitate trade as well as create an atmosphere for non-conventional players.

Cross-Border Payments

We make the transaction easier between the payer and payee from different countries by ensuring low cost, high speed, unlimited access and sufficient transparency.

Digital Identity

We can help you build your online presence, and our digital infrastructure will allow financial institutions to validate identities without depending on physical documentation.

Clearing and Settlement

We make the clearing and settlement process smoother so financial institutions can send and receive wire transfers multiple times daily.


We offer an immutable and irreversible source of information that can track the true ownership of a product across the supply chain.

Multi-Party Aggregation

We build a shared master data repository with flexible data modelling capabilities that allow members to inquire about the master data objects and entities.


We make the process of recording transactions and data in an accounting system while certifying any kind of data – be it financial or else.


We take care of contractual terms and obligations that insurers need when transferring shares of their risk portfolio to another party.

What is DLT for Future Bank


DLT/Blockchain is presenting disintermediation to almost all industries, including the financial services industry. It allows two parties to work without the intermediation of a third party.

Significantly increase the speed of transaction processing owing to the absence of intermediaries.

Reduce or even eradicate counterparty risk, as well as enable new business models.

Secured by Cryptography

Cryptography is a fundamental technology that facilitates financial institutions to secure their relationships with retail customers and businesses.

Improve security through cryptography by curbing fraudulent transactions.

Allow regulators nearly complete control over the currency in circulation.

Each block in the Blockchain data structure is protected with an algorithm to avoid data augmentation.

Smart Contracts & Oracles

Smart Contracts are virtual agreements encrypted on the DLT that cannot access real-world data. Conversely, an oracle is a bridge between the Blockchain and the real world. Oracles act as on-chain APIs that can be queried to get information to the smart contract.

DLT incorporates smart contracts that are more secure than paper contracts.

Eliminates uncertain practices, for example, duplicate financing of invoices.

Allows secure automation of logical agreements and business processes with the data gathered by Oracles.


Transactions on the DLT will be accomplished just as programmed; no chances of altering data. Thus, it preserves data integrity. This makes data immune to fraud, double spending, censorship and hacking attempts.

Distributed databases undergo several levels of DLT validation.

The risk of inaccurate data being consumed for analytics is significantly reduced.

Highly reliable and secured data produces new avenues for regulators.

Real-time Settlement

DLT allows for real-time settlement that occurs in real-time and especially on a transaction-by-transaction basis. The transactions are not subjected to any waiting period and are settled as soon as they are processed.

Removes friction and minimizes risks during transactions.

Transfer of money or securities takes place from one bank to others in nearly “real-time”.


Trustless is a system that doesn’t require members to trust or know each other for the system to work. Two or more parties can make a transaction directly without having to trust a person, a bank or any intermediary.

DLT is moving towards a trustless network where no network component needs to be trusted.

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